Success Resources™

Keyword : Success, Personal Development, Personal Breakthrough, Peak Performance, Financial Freedom, Sales and Marketing, Leadership, Human Skills, NLP, Neuro Lingustic Programming, Internet Marketing, Options, Stock and Forex Trading, Brainwave and Relaxation

Reid Buckley, seorang pembicara profesional pernah berkata, "Jika Anda tidak melakukan pembelajaran terus-menerus dan meningkatkan keterampilan Anda, maka akan ada orang lain yang melakukannya, dimanapun dan siapapun dia. Dan, ketika Anda menemui orang itu, Anda akan KALAH !" (Brian Tracy, Million Dollar Habits)


Update December 10th 2009

NEW 'n OTHERS PRODUCT (Trading and Forex)

For every Success man and woman, CONTINOUS LEARNING is a MUST ! Success Resources™ congratulate you for taking the steps to better yourself

Maksimalkan Potensi Anda! Jika Anda ingin segera keluar dari krisis dan masalah Anda, dan ingin berhasil menghadapi tantangan dalam PEKERJAAN, BISNIS, dan HIDUP, Anda harus membeli produk tersebut.

CD & DVD TERDAHSYAT & TERLARIS SEPANJANG MASA !!! Sudah terjual RIBUAN paket menarik - WOW !! Sudahkah Anda membelinya ?? C'mon buddy... !!





Salam Dahsyat,

Siapa Anthony Robbins ?

DOWNLOAD VIDEO Of Who is Anthony Robbins --> VIDEO

Anthony Robbins adalah World No.1 Success Coach yang telah menghantarkan Andre Agassi, Bill Clinton, Lady Diana, Nelson Mandela, Mikhael Gorbachev, Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, Greg Norman menuju puncak prestasi dunia.

1. Meraih Financial Freedom
2. Meraih penampilan puncak (PEAK PERFORMACE)
3. Menemukan gaya hidup yang ideal
4. Vitalitas dan energi yang “outstanding”
5. Meningkatkan hubungan yang dahsyat
6. Tindakan dan pencapaian kemajuan hidup
7. Mengubah KETAKUTAN menjadi KEKUATAN
8. Mengembangkan kepercayaan diri secara utuh, dll.


Home Audio Program from Anthony Robbins :

1. Unleash The Power Within (6cd) --> MP3 : 324 MB --> Download sample MP3

Download GRATIS ! - UTPW - (format wma)

+ 1. Introduction
+ 2. I Should
+ 3. Action Gives You Power
+ 4. Raising Your Standards
+ 5. Take Action
+ 6. Be Outstanding
+ 7. The Secret
+ 8. Stress and Excitement
+ 9. The Real Question

Now experience Anthony Robbins' cornerstone event for self improvement in a dynamic audio program. Learn how to live your life not by hope. . .not by chance. . .but by design. Break old patterns and destroy limiting beliefs. . .condition yourself mentally, emotionally and physically to create massive results. . .and much, much more!

“There is a powerful, driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream or desire a reality.” –Tony Robbins

The power was given to you at the moment you were born. Its source is unlimited. And when you seize it, you’ll have everything you need to create a life filled with more passion, excitement, confidence and joy than you’ve ever dreamed. Isn’t it time to Unleash the Power Within and claim your extraordinary potential?

How do you really want to live? What are you most excited about? What are you grateful for? Do you often feel “stuck” in your life? Are you unable to make changes or break through past beliefs?

We often look outside ourself for these answers. When we do, we give away our power. It’s time to find your own answers…uncover your own internal motivations…and set your own rules!

Your core values and beliefs control what you think about, the people you identify with and the goals to which you aspire. Most of us updated these long ago from our parents, teachers, friends or peer groups. More often than not, they can limit our vision of how we want to live, and unconsciously alter our level of achievement and happiness in life.

This is more than just another new program—it’s a whole new vision. In Unleash the Power Within, Anthony Robbins shows you how to live your life not by hope…not by chance…but by design. You’ll learn to:

* Break old patterns and destroy limiting beliefs
* Become a decisive person who takes massive, intelligent action
* Condition yourself mentally, emotionally and physically to create staggering results
* Find and develop your strategy of success
* Have more confidence and self-esteem
* Develop new communication skills
* Generate more passion and enthusiasm
* Become aware of the higher purpose for your life
* Discover what drives you and what holds you back
* And much, much more!

SIDE 1: Seizing Your Extraordinary Life
SIDE 2: Understanding Your Emotional Triad
SIDE 3: Mastering Your Communication
SIDE 4: Designing Your Ultimate Success Formula
SIDE 5: Creating Lasting Change
SIDE 6: Embracing Change and Creating Momentum
SIDE 7: Meeting Your Six Human Needs
SIDE 8: Building Your Powerful Team
SIDE 9: Understanding and Developing Rapport
SIDE 10: Mastering Strategies for Consistent Results
SIDE 11: Strategizing Your Everyday Life
SIDE 12: Unleashing Your Power Within

2.Live with Passion ! (6cd) --> MP3 : 316 MB

Are you tired of settling for less than you can be and less than you deserve? With Tony as your coach you will push past obstacles, achieve your goals, and take consistent action. Now is the time to redefine the quality of your life and live with passion, happiness, and fulfillment than you have ever experienced..

3. The Power to Shape your Destiny (7cd) --> MP3 : 268 MB

The Power To Shape Your Destiny will help you develop a clearer vision of who you are, what you really want and how to get there. Anthony Robbins leads you through a process that begins with the discovery of your primary question: the question that has been driving every aspect of your life. Then, Tony leads you through a variety of processes to examine your rules and values, establish your power virtues and even change your primary question so that it empowers you. Your date with destiny is just around the corner.

4. Get the Edge (10cd) --> MP3 : 653 MB

With this Tony Robbins product, learn how to master your emotions, develop deep, loving, intimate relationships: transform your body and attain vibrant health and find the keys to financial freedom

5. Lesson in Mastery (6cd) --> MP3 : 343 MB

Most of us struggle daily to pay the bills, keep our jobs, and maintain our peace of mind. Wouldn't you love to say goodbye to these endless preoccupations, and greet the dawning of an exceptionally satisfying and empowered existence? If you're ready to take command of your future, achieve your dreams, and make happiness your number one priority, then you're ready to experience Anthony Robbins' unparalleled new program, Lessons in Mastery.

6. Power Talk (10 cd) --> MP3 : 543 MB

What if you could be privately mentored by the greatest masters in the world? Interviews with John Wooden , Deepak Copra, Stephen Covey, John Gray, and Harry S. Dent

Tony Robbins - Discovering Your Life
John Wooden - The Psychology of Winning
Deepak Copra M.D - Extraordinary Health
Stephen Covey - Defining Your Career
John Gray - Outstanding Relationship
Harry S. Dent - Maximize Your Return

7. Awaken The Giant Within (1 cd) --> MP3 : 52.2 MB

This CD reissue of the selfhelp classic teaches listeners how to harness untapped abilities, talents, and skills, demonstrates how to change disempowering habits, and provides the tools needed in order to take control of their own fate.

8. Giant Steps (2cd) --> MP3 : 106 MB

Small Changes to Make a Big Difference Daily Lessons in Self-Mastery

9. Personal Power + Personal Success Journal (7cd) --> MP3 : 543 MB

Have you ever said to yourself "It's time for me to make a change in my life" - then not followed through? What's the secret? Anthony Robbins turns personal and professional achievement into a step-by-step process you can master and measure over the course of 30 days. And he delivers it with a level of passion, power and playfulness that makes the process not only moving, but thoroughly enjoyable!

NEW !!

10. Time of Your Life + WORKBOOK & SUMMARY CARD

11. Personal Power 2 (30 DAYS) + Personal Success Journal

12. Personal Training System + Workbook

13. Power To Influence

14. The Body You Deserve



+ Leadership In Times of Crisis - Negotiating Conflict: Leadership in Times of Crisis

Where were you on September 11, 2001? When you first heard the news of the devastating attack on the World Trade Center, what did you think, feel, and do? Traumatic events tend to trigger the most primal emotional patterns in people-anger, sorrow, despair, grief, vengeance, and rage-causing many to become ineffective, fearful, and unresourceful.

Total running time: 113 minutes

+ Conquering Overwhelming Loss: Rediscovering a compelling future

In everyone’s life there are setbacks, disappointments and times when everything seems to be lost. Robbins and Madanes will guide you through the steps you must take to recover your self-esteem, your passion, and the love of others after a failure. Experience one man’s triumph and learn how to stay in control of your life no matter what the circumstances.

New !! VCD Anthony Robbins

1. Keys To Unlimited Success - 2 VCD

2. Life Management System - 2 VCD


We live in a world with more choices and opportunities than any other time in history. Yet with them come increased responsibilities, challenges and changes. In this age of abundance, what's the scarcest commodity of all? Time: We all need and want more time, but with today's ever-increasing demands, how do we get it? The answer is in your hands.

This system is all about producing extraordinary results with less time and more fulfillment. It is a fundamental paradigm shift from time management to life management.


The Time of Your Life system is a mind revolution: it transforms your massive demands and responsibilities into the exciting realization that you can accomplish something truly meaningful. It helps you to focus and define your life by asking yourself new questions: What do I really want? And why do I want it? What are my deepest needs and how can I tap into my drive to accomplish them? Once you know the results you are after, discovering how to achieve them becomes immediately clear. This program is a 10-day step-by-step process for turning your dreams into reality, transforming stress into drive and fulfillment and creating a life you've directed and shaped rather than one of your reaction.

Anthony Robbins' ground breaking The Time of Your Life program will empower you to create more time for what really matters to your life. You will learn how to:

* Vanquish patterns of stress in your life and replace them with patterns of fulfillment
* Immediately focus on what matters most
* Create a life plan that will allow you to achieve balance
* Utilize the power of effective decision making
* Free your mind of annoying details and interruptions and experience the peace-of-mind you deserve
* Turn any idea into reality through a simple planning process
* Tap into the power of purpose: If your reason is compelling enough, you can achieve anything
* Replace your "to-do" list with a daily plan that maximizes your time and guarantees your accomplishment
* Eliminate the "shoulds" in your life
* Turn demand into drive
* Create a compelling vision for all the areas of life that matter most to you
* Live a life of passion and fulfillment

3. Time of Your Life - 2 VCD

In this age of abundance, the scarcest commodity of all is time. We all need and want more of it. But how do we go about getting it?

More than a decade ago, that very question sent world-renowned personal and professional strategist Anthony Robbins on a search for a truly effective time-management system. When he couldn't find one that enabled him to effectively and enjoyably manage the increasing demands of his life, he decided to create his own.

The result was the revolutionary Rapid Planning Method or RPM system, a Results-oriented, Purpose-driven, Massive-action plan for managing his personal and professional life. Anthony has been practicing and perfecting this system in his own life ever since - with unprecedented results. In The Time of Your Life, Anthony Robbins shares his personal system for total life management with you.

The Time of Your Life is a radically different approach that will empower you to:

* Transform a tangled, complex, or overwhelming task into a fun and useable plan.
* Liberate yourself from monotonous and time-consuming "To-Do" lists while accomplishing more, in less time, than ever before.
* Eliminate patterns of stress and replace them with patterns of fulfillment.
* Immediately focus on what matters most.
* Understand what you want and why you want it, and use that knowledge to achieve your desires with unprecedented speed.
* Free your mind of annoying details and interruptions so you can experience the peace of mind
you deserve.
* Genuinely enjoy the process of establishing, managing, and achieving your goals.

With Anthony Robbins as your personal coach, you'll master the RPM system and experience real achievement instead of mere movement. You'll eliminate overwhelming tasks, maximize your fulfillment, produce the results you truly desire in record time - and have a lot of fun doing it!

4. Unleashed The Power Within - 2 VCD

UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN is about not settling for less than you can be - in all aspects of your life. It's about seizing the power that is already within you and using it to lead a life of your own design, rather than one that's been scripted for you by your environment, your history, society, or anyone else. Anthony Robbins invites you to a weekend of powerful immersion into the finest strategies, tools, and resources available for creating an extraordinary quality of life - where you not only achieve your ultimate goals, but you also experience the profound fulfilment you desire and deserve.
In four of the most empowering, educational, and entertaining days of your life, you will identify with absolute precision what it is you really want, discover how to permanently break through any barriers that are holding you back, and learn how to apply the specific tools and strategies for turning your dreams into reality.
UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN is about Creating Breakthroughs:
…moving beyond fears and limiting beliefs, accomplishing goals and realising true desires; turning dreams into reality, creating fulfilling relationships, and modelling the strategies of peak performers to produce a quantum difference in your life immediately. At UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN, you will vanquish whatever is holding you back from taking action. As the ultimate physical metaphor for your newly emerging mastery, you will storm barefoot across a hot bed of glowing coals.

<- VCD Anthony Robbins - @ Rp 20,000/VCD ->


+ Higher Self
+ Magical Mind & Body
+ The Way of The Wizard

ALL NEW Collection and Compilation:

+ Og Mandino
+ Zig Ziglar
+ John C Maxwell
+ Jim Rohn
+ Robert T Kiyosaki
+ Bill Clinton
+ David Bach
+ Paul McKenna
+ Dennis Waitley
+ David J Lieberman
+ Stephen Covey
+ John Gray
- Please look at Cataloque

Jual buku Anthony Robbins' Seminar :

Personal Training System - Support To CD Audio !


This course will give you the tools you need to overcome any limitations or challenges - and seize the life you deserve now! Tony's personal training system will teach you how to consistently motivate yourself to instantly achieve a peak state of mind.


+ PERSONAL POWER II : THE DRIVING FORCE, Personal Success Journal - Support to Personal Power CD (157 halaman)

Others :


--> Download sample MP3

Tung Desem Waringin (Exclusive Indonesia Anthony Robbins and Robert T. Kiyosaki Authorized Consultant)
--> Sekilas Info TDW:

+ Life Revolution (6 VCD)

--> Yang membahas bagaimana tetap bersemangat dan berenergi dalam situasi sesulit apa pun, lima resep sukses anti gagal, tiga cara mempercepat sukses, dan membuang kebiasaan buruk.

+ Financial Revolution (1 CD)
--> Yang membahas bagaimana membuat uang mengejar Anda, bagaimana mempunyai peternakan uang, bagaimana cara orang kaya mengumpulkan uang ribuan kali lebih banyak dibandingkan orang biasa dalam waktu yang sama, bagaimana memulai usaha dengan kemungkinan berhasil 98%, Bagaimana Aman secara finansial, Bagaimana memulai usaha tanpa modal, bagaimana memulai usaha tanpa modal.

Tabel Bunga berbunga ver. I Tabel Bunga berbunga ver. II

+ Leadership Revolution (1 VCD)
--> Yang membahas bagaimana memimpin diri sendiri dan orang lain.

+ Sales Magic (1 CD) -> (AVAILABLE ALSO IN VCD !) - 3 VCD
--> Yang membahas bagaimana menjual apa pun, kepada siapa pun, kapan pun, dan dimana pun.

+ Marketing Revolution (5 VCD)

---> Yang membahas bagaimana meningkatkan penjualan Anda antara 100%-2000% dalam waktu kurang dari 6 bulan. Ilmu nyata/street smart, yang terbukti berhasil ketika memberikan Business Coach mulai dari toko busana muslim di Tanah Abang, toko handphone, toko mas, Bank Lestari di Bali, bengkel, perusahaan sampo nasional, Coldwell Banker Sigit, Era Galaxy, Gapura Prima Group (Apartemen Belezza Bellagio), dan lain sebagainya, yang semuanya meningkat antara 100-2000% dalam waktu kurang dari 6 bulan.

+ Retire Young Retire Rich (5 VCD)

--> Bagaimana cara supaya cepat menjadi kaya, Bagaimana cara membangun bisnis yang berhasil, Bagaimana cara mendapatkan pendapatan pasif dari properti tanpa perlu bekerja keras seumur hidup, Bagaimana cara bermain saham yang aman dan tetap mendapatkan profit yang bagus, Bagaimana cara menerapkan ilmu Robert T. Kiyosaki di Indonesia.

+ Business Revolution (3 CD) -new-

"Mengatasi rasa takut berbisnis, merubah rasa takut menjadi berani dalam 3 menit atau kurang ala Anthony Robbins"
"Rahasia kesuksesan berbisnis ala The Best Business CEO in the world for the century, Jack welcth (CEO General Electric)"
"Sales Team Revolution, bagaimana memotivasi & meningkatkan sales dari tim Anda 3x lipat dalam waktu 6 bulan atau kurang ala Joe Girard"

+ $ecret To Be Rich (3 CD) -new-

+ The Giant Steps (3 CD) -new-

"Bagaimana caranya meraih kesuksesan dan kekayaan yang berlimpah, yang ditempuh hanya dalam 3 tahun"
"Bagaimana memarketingkan & menjual buku Financial Revolution, pemegang rekor MURI kategori buku inspirational pertama di Indonesia yang penjualannya melebihi 10.000 eksemplar pada hari pertama peredarannya"
"Bagaimana caranya sebagai karyawan bisa naik gaji 3X setahun"

+ AWAKEN THE DAHSYAT WITHIN (4 Audio CD) ; (4 Video-CD) -new-

Yang membahas :
+ Bagaimana meraih kesuksesan dengan Membangunkan Kuasa "Raksasa" Dalam Diri dan menggali Potensi yang terpendam dalam diri.


Yang membahas :
+ Good To Great : Bagaimana menjadikan perusahaan baik atau biasa menjadi perusahaan hebat (CD ini harus dipelajari oleh setiap level SDM di perushaan anda!). Disaripatikan dari Jim Collins (World's Leadership Guru).
+ 24 Prinsip Milyader yang Mencerahkan : Temukan 24 prinsip dasar yang akan mengantarkan anda menuju kekayaan yang luar biasa. Disaripatikan dan dikembangkan secara bebas dari Jack Canfield dan Mark Victor Hansen (One Minute Millionaire).


Yang membahas :
+ Bagaimana menjual sepotong roti tawar dengan harga 300 juta dan orang masih berebut dan yang dapat masih berterima kasih.
+ Bagaimana menjual apapun, kepada siapapun, dimanapun, dan kapanpun.

+ Greatest Secret for Greatest Success (1 CD) -new-

+ Property Rich Revolution (1 CD Audio) -new-

NEW !!!

Life Revolution series, adalah 24 CD Audio yang dirancang untuk mengubah kebiasaan Anda menjadi berani Take Action, mengubah hidup menjadi lebih baik - sangat-sangat revolusioner !!

01. Cara Paling Sederhana untuk Menjadi Pemenang dalam Hidup

02. Cara Jadi Master dalam Bidang Apapun

03. Jadi Pemimpin Dalam Hidup

04. Bagaimana Membentuk Hidup yang Berkualitas

05. Bagaimana Mendapatkan apa yang benar-benar Kita inginkan

06. Bagaimana menjadi Tuan dari EMOSI Kita

07. Kekuatan FOKUS dalam Mendapatkan Apa yg kita INGINKAN

08. Merubah Hidup menjadi DAHSYAT

09. Kekuatan Keyakinan yang membuat kita menjadi MANUSIA Penuh DAYA

10. Bagaimana Menciptakan Kebiasaan Pemenang

11. Bagaimana Membuang Kebiasaan Buruk

12. Bangkit Dari Trauma, Menuju Masa Depan yang Cerah

13. Keterampilan Berpikir Menuju Hasil yang Dahsyat

14. 7 Resep Sukses Anti Gagal

15. Menciptakan Masa Depan yang Indah

16. Setting GOAL

17. Menanam Tindakan! Membuang Penundaan! Menuai Keajaiban!

18. Pentingnya Identitas yang Kuat untuk Menjadi Pendaki Hidup yang Sukses

19. Kekuatan Misi Hidup yang Menggairahkan

20. Menyusun Nilai-nilai Hidup Serta Aturan, dalam Rangka Mencapai Hidup Bahagia

21. Prinsip Paling Dahsyat dalam Menuju Financial Freedom

22. Membina Hubungan yang Akrab dan Bergairah

23. 5 Kecerdasan keuangan untuk Hidup Berkualitas

24. Membuat Rencana yang Masuk Akal Menuju Impian Kita

CALL / SMS : +62 812 97 98 94 6 FOR CRAZY PRICE !!!


Yang membahas pada 4 Major Areas :
+ Academic : Super Memory, Creative Note-Taking, Examination Strategies, Excellerated Reading, Learning Strategies, Peak Studying Performance, Super-Teen Holistic Study Method, Secret of Writing.
+ Personal : Time Management, Self-Confidence, Postive Inner Motivation, Problem Solving & Decision Making Skills, Self-Image, Stress Control, Goal-Setting, Self-Esteem.
+ Challenge of Excellence : Mind/Body Coneections, Low Element Adventure, Group Pattern, Rope Course.
+ Social : Communication Skills, Leadership Strategies, Team Support, Family Relationship, Winning Friends.

ROGER HAMILTON : Wealth Dynamics Video

+ Membahas tentang perbedaan cara alami tiap - tiap orang dalam mendapatkan kekayaan yang melimpah

David Novac - Accredited Derivatives Advisor Level 2 --> Who's David Novac ?

Reputasi David Novac yang sangat menakjubkan telah menyebar secara Internasional dan membuatnya menjadi pembicara utama dalam seminar-seminar kelas dunia. ia telah memberikan presentasi untuk " Wealth Mastery" dari " Anthony Robbins dan program "Financial Intelligence" dan Fundamentals of Investing" dari Robert T Kyosaki (author of International best seller "Rich Dad Poor Dad").

Dengan memahami filosofi jual beli saham yang sederhana dan kunci-kunci dasar di pasar saham, Anda dapat bertransaksi saham dengan cara yang sangat menguntungkan tanpa memperhatikan latar belakang pribadi, pengetahuan dan tingkat keahlian seseorang.

David Novac mengajarkan strategi Praktis dan Efektif tentang Perdagangan Pasar Saham yang sangat Menguntungkan.


James Gwee T.H., MBA

+ Positive Business Ideas (4 cd)

CD 1 :
Change Result and Action
Leaders Must Have Vision
Time is Money
Delegation Tips
High Pay Off Areas
Celebrate Wins
Meeting Tips - Agenda
Meeting Tips - Ground Rules
Smile When Serving your Customer
Selling Tips - What to Ask
Selling Tips - Overcoming Price Objection
How to Quickly Calm Down An Angry Customer

CD 2:
Know the real value of your customer
3 Ways to Increase Revenue
Reform the Environment
Bussiness is System
Quote Higher, Charge Less
SOP your staff
Document Valuable Learning Experience
Backup your Salesman's Database
Sychronize Activities
Learn from Experiences
Do not Always Shoot your Target
Gold In the Hotel Room

CD 3:
What is Service Excellence
The Different Between Reguler Customers And Loyal Customers
Service in a '3 STAR' Hotel
Smile when Serving your Customer
After Handling The COmplain (Tip 1)
After Handling The COmplain (Tip 2)
After Handling The COmplain (Tip 3)
'Ada yang bisa saya bantu?'
How to Transfer Calls Successfully
How to Make Children Feel Comfortable in your Shop
Repeat your Customer's Request
Know The Real Value of your Customer

CD 4:
The Signifinance of Your Job
How to Manage your Time as a Manager
How to delegate Effectively
Motivation VS Control
Handle Mistakes
Learning Exprerience
Effective Meeting Tips - Agenda
Effective Meeting Tips - Ground RUles
Routine Meetings
Learn from Expreriences
Bussiness is System
Reform the Environtment

+ Carrer Motivation - Talkshow : Motivasi & Inspirasi peningkatan karir(1 CD)
--> How to become a Promotable Employee? Bagaimana menjadi karyawan yang layak dipromosikan untuk jabatan yang lebih tinggi?

+ Wawasan Wirausaha (2 VCD)

+ The Unlimited Power Of Motivation - Total Success Community Congress:"Success Secrets of Stars Performers" (2 VCD)
--> Bagaimana melihat penghalang dari sisi yang positif, Bagaimana merespon keadaan dengan positif, Bagaimana membuat self concept

+ Seliing with Empathy ( 2 CD)
--> How to sell your products or Ideas successfully using the right approach by understanding 7 personality types of customers.


James Gwee - Explains The Master Lessons

How To Survive & Succeeed In The 21st Century : Denis Waitley, Contains :
  1. Power Idea # 1 – The Individual of The 21st Century
  2. Power Idea # 2 – What Are Your Talents and Your Personality Traits?
  3. Power Idea # 3 – The 21st Century Company
  4. Power Idea # 4– Doing Business In The 21st Century
  5. Power Idea # 5 – Now Is The Best Time
  6. Bonus : James Gwee’s Interactive Talk Show at Radio Smart FM discussing The Lessons of Denis Waitley

The Fighting Spirit & Courage Diana Golden : Diana Golden, Contains :
  1. Power Idea # 1 – The Courage of A Girl Called Diana Golden
  2. Power Idea # 2 – What Is Courage?
  3. Power Idea # 3 – “Confront Your Fears”
  4. Power Idea # 4 – “You Don’t Have To Confront Every Fear”
  5. Power Idea # 5 - “Courage Also Means Keep Coming Back”
  6. Bonus : James Gwee’s Interactive Talk Show at Radio Smart FM discussing The Lessons of Diana Golden

The World's Greatest Salesman : Joe Girard, Contains :
  1. Power Idea # 1 -"God Gave You 2 Ears But Only 1 Mouth"
  2. Power Idea # 2 - How To Handle Rejections
  3. Power Idea # 3 - How To Make The Sales Stick!
  4. Power Idea # 4 - What To Do So That The Support Department Will Fully Support You
  5. Power Idea # 5 - Joe Girard's 1-2-3 Sales Punch
  6. Bonus : James Gwee's Interactive Talk Show At Radio Smart Fm Discussing The Lessons Of Joe Girard

It's Your Attitude : Shiv Khera, Contains :
  1. Power Idea # 1 - The Difference Between Skill And Competence - Which Is More Important?
  2. Power Idea # 2 - Our Attitude Is Seen From The Choices That We Make
  3. Power Idea # 3 - The Difference Between Character And Reputation - Which Is More Important?
  4. Power Idea # 4 - What's The Difference Between Winners & Losers?
  5. Power Idea # 5 - It's All About Attitude!
  6. Bonus : James Gwee's Interactive Talk Show At Radio Smart Fm Discussing The Lessons Of Shiv Khera

You Must Have Goals! How To Set & Achieve Your Goals : Zig Ziglar, Contains :
  1. Power Idea # 1 - "You Must Have Goals!"
  2. Power Idea # 2 - "Life Without Clear Goals Is Like."
  3. Power Idea # 3 - How To Achieve Your Goals - See The Reaching
  4. Power Idea # 4 - How To Achieve Your Goals - Small Bites
  5. Power Idea # 5 - How To Achieves Your Goals - Commitment
  6. Bonus : James Gwee's Interactive Talk Show At Radio Smart Fm Discussing The Lessons Of Zig Ziglar

How To Sell Your Way To The Top
Zig Ziglar, Contains :

  1. Power Idea # 1 - "Salesmen Are Made, Not Born!"
  2. Power Idea # 2 - "Truly Great Sales People Are Not Normal!"
  3. Power Idea # 3 - "Sales Is Not What You Do To The Customer!"
  4. Power Idea # 4 - Selling Logic Vs. Emotion - What's The Difference?
  5. Power Idea # 5 - How To Apply Positive Mental Projections Successfully
  6. Bonus : James Gwee's Interactive Talk Show At Radio Smart Fm Discussing The Lessons Of Zig Ziglar

Audio CD ini merupakan rekaman langsung dari seminar James Gwee, dengan outline materi sebagai berikut :

- Apa yang termasuk sebagai panawaran yang menarik bagi customer ?
- Kapan kita harus melakukan close sales
- Bagaimana cara menggunakan “Trail Closing Techniques” secara efektif ?
- Hal paling penting yang harus dilakukan setelah menanyakan pertanyaan untuk closing sales
- 10 tips dalam melakukan Closing suatu transaksi
- 10 teknik Closing yang powerful
- Hal yang terpenting yang harus dilakukan setelah berhasil melakukan penjualan
- Hubungan dengan customer baru saja mulai
- Langkah pertama yang terpenting dalam menjalin relasi dengan customer
- new -

+ FX Hadi Tjokro MBA - Tips On Professional Presentation (2 CD)
-->Presentasi adalah salah satu hal penting dalam bekerja / berbisnis .
CD Audio Talkshow yang membahas tips dalam ber-Presentasi.

+ Rhenald Khasali ,James Gwee & Ir Happy Tjandra - Multi Millionaire Business(6 VCD)

Speaker :

Ir. Happy S. Tjandra
Apa yang harus anda lakukan untuk sebelum sukses, selama sukses, dan setelah anda sukses

Rhenald Kasali, Phd
Bagaimana Merasa, Berpikir, dan Bertindak sebagai Billionaire, Fundamental dari seorang Billionaire, Pelajaran Sukses untuk Anda dan Bisnis Anda, dan 6 Tips untuk mendapatkan Uang

James Gwee, MBA
Bagaimana caranya supaya sales anda meningkat luar biasa puluhan bahkan ratusan persen dengan sangat mudah.

+ Purdi E Chandra, Jaya Setiabudi - Cara Gila jadi Pengusaha (Entrepreneur Mindset) 2 VCD

+ CD Audio "Brainwave" - Relaxation and Activate Your Brain (1 CD)
-->Relaxation : general & while staying focused

+ Romy Rafael: Personal Goal Setting

+ Romy Rafael: Emotional Freedom

+ Tanadi Santoso - Business Wisdom

+ Miming P - "Bagaimana cara mengelola Utang"
Others :

+ Dr. James Lazzarini (Doktor hypnotherapy & entertainer professional)
The Secret of Stage Hypnosis Revealed (Rahasia Hipnotis Modern) (1 VCD)

Hampir seluruh penonton yang menyaksikan pertunjukkan hipnotis akan penasaran, apakah itu benar hipnotis atau hanya sandiwara yang direkayasa sebab seorang pesulap mampu mengkontrol para sukarelawan seperti menjadi tertidur, ribut dengan sesama sukarelawan atau bahkan melakukan suatu aktivitas tertentu jika mendengar suatu kata kunci yang sudah ditentukan, membuat sukarelawan lupa nama ibunya, dan banyak lagi yang bisa dilakukan ! Kini pertama kalinya rahasia ini dibongkar. Dr James Lazzarini D.C.H adalah master hipnotis yang dikenal sebagai entertainer lebih dari 10 tahun, ia akan membawa dunia hipnotis kepada anda. Ini adalah sebuah video yang berisi rahasia hipnotis yang sangat dijaga ketat oleh master hipnotis. Sekarang anda dapat belajar dari masternya langsung dan mengajarkan hiburan dengan hipnotis dari A sampai Z. Materi belajar hipnotis panggung terbaik yang sesungguhnya !

Teknik Memberi Sugesti dan Mempengaruhi Pikiran Orang Lain.
Membawa dunia hipnotis kepada anda dan memandu anda dari A sampai Z.
Disertai demo step by step.

BONUS!!! 10 ebook (pdf) tentang hypnotis :

7 Success Secrets of Hypnotism Practice

1. Affirmation Course to be All You Can
2. Be Your Own Psychic
3. The Secrets of Mental Rejuvination in 20 minute
4. Character Building through Power
5. How To Hypnotize People & Other Living Thing
6. Hypnotiz Advance & Hypnotic technique
7. Hypnosis for beginners
8. Learn Hypnosis... Now!!
9. Mind power Seduction Manual
10. Steps To personal Growth

+ Paul McKenna- Accelerated Learning - Hypnotic Video (1VCD)


Don't be too surprised to find how easy it is to get more of what you truly want from life!

In this exciting ten-tape or CD program, Paul will show you how to operate your mind more efficiently. He'll share with you the secrets of easy success, secrets that have helped many others exceed their expectations, break through their limitations, and release their true potential. And he'll help you tap into the incredible wisdom of your unconscious mind to make you feel happier, more confident, more optimistic, and more powerful than you ever have before!

This is your chance to own Paul Mckenna's Positivity set! Program your mind to get what you want!! This is a proven neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis therapy program. The set consists of 10 tapes to help enlighten your life and help you to become the person you should be!

The tapes consist of the following programs:

1. How to master your emotions and run your own brain
2. How to have supreme self confidence and charisma
3. Discover your true potential and become the person you want to be
4. Discover what you truly want in life and make your dreams come true
5.How to use the powerful beliefs of geniuses and highly successful people
6. Change your life - with the power of positive perspective
7. Attracting wealth - the secrets of the millionaire's mind
8. Radiant health - the keys to wellbeing and vitality
9. The secrets to inner happiness and contentment
10. Overnight success programming

The tapes are in perfect working order and have never been used. Really change your life and become happy and confident in everything that you do.

+ Stephen R. Covey : The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness (Video : Inspirational Companion Films and Audio)

+ Zig Ziglar - If You Open the Sales be Sure to Close the Sale (1 CD)

+ Andre Wongso & Ken Marasuci - Motivasi Sukses 1 CD

+ A.B Susanto - Leadership Series - 1 CD

+ Jay L. Abraham ( World’s #No. 1 Marketing Genius ) - Your Secret Wealth - 6 CD COMPLETE !!

--> Download sample MP3

+ Ary Ginanjar Agustian– Emotional Spiritual Quotient - ESQ (5 VCD)

Disc 1 - IQ EQ SQ
Disc 2 - Kecerdasan Spritual
Disc 3 - Spritual Era
Disc 4 - Psikologi Asma'ul Husna
Disc 5 - Zero Mind Process


Rich Schefren

"Rick Schefren Is Recognized As One of the Top Business Consultants In the World Today Who Teaches His Clients How to Be More Productive With Less Effort While They Create a Real Business That Operates Efficiently and Profitably Whether They Are In the Office Or Cruising the Caribbean On Vacation"

Richard Schefren is the person many of the Internet gurus turn to when they need guidance on growing their business. So while you may never have heard of Rich Schefren, you’ve certainly heard of the people he consults with and coaches.

During the time Richard has been working with a group of insiders, most of his clients have posted an incredible record of business growth. And many of them, such as Rob Bell, the head of 1Shopping Cart, attribute a great deal of their success to the advice Rich has given them.

And during the period Rich has been working with the gurus, he’s inspired successful joint ventures with people like Jay Abraham, Jeff Paul, Stephen Pierce, Alex Mandossian, and John Carlton.

Rich has done something very unexpected. No, he’s not selling anything. In fact, quite the contrary. Rich is giving away a special report that summarized some of the steps he has taken with many of the leading Internet marketing gurus.

I’m going to suggest you hurry over to Rich's Strategic Profits Website and grab that report while it’s still available. Rich’s report will force you to think about your online business and suggest ways you can increase your business profits by actually working less.

Here’s what marketing guru Jeff Paul said about Rich, “Rich has more real world business experience and entrepreneurial savvy than most business owners can accumulate in 10 lifetimes.

He's been featured in the media for his business success, from The Wall Street Journal (being featured as "an unbelievable retail turnaround story") and CNN (appearing several times and labeled as an expert in retail marketing)...... To Crain's, Newsweek, Entertainment Tonight, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, MSNBC, Vogue, GQ, MTV, VH1, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Cosmopolitan, The Daily News, The New York Post and too many others to list.

Now, here's a dirty little secret about Internet marketing: Most Internet marketing "gurus" who brag about living the "Internet lifestyle" are... in actual fact... working their asses off like slaves!

Why? Because they don't know the REAL secrets to owning a hands-free Internet business. There's much, much more to it than just "automation" and "outsourcing" that everybody and their dog talks about. And there's no better person to teach you all these secrets (that NO-ONE else talks about)... than Rich.”

This is the list of topics Rich is covering in the presentation:

* How to build your business the right way from the ground up
* How to organize and manage your business more efficiently
* How you can live the lifestyle you choose without exhausting yourself
* How to use virtual teams the right way
* How to get your business on the fast track to growth
* How to get out from under your business and make it work for you
* How to use leverage and build scalability into your business
* And a whole lot more!
They call Rich Schefren the “Coach to the Internet Gurus”.

His unique philosophy about how to build real businesses
online gets big money results for his clients. And that’s the reason he formed Strategic Profits in 2004.

The company provides coaching for online entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses strategically and ultimately get “free” of the daily grind.

After graduating from Case Western Reserve University, summa cum laude as an accounting major, Rich was recruited by Arthur Anderson’s Strategic Planning Division. There he garnered several awards and then jumped at the opportunity to take over his family’s struggling clothing business.

When Rich turned that business into Soho’s hottest eclectic clothing boutique, with loyal customers like Prince and Uma Thurman, he was hooked on being an entrepreneur. Through his unique marketing ideas, the business had revenue growth from $1.5 to over $6.5 million in just three years.

Next Rich invested $7500 to create a hypnosis center which expanded to multiple locations and generated over $7 Million a year, within four years. Rich then wanted to share his success secrets and developed a program for other hypnosis centers to achieve the success he had. When he made $287,000 in one week selling the program, he knew he was on to something big.

Rich parlayed his offline successes and marketing prowess into an information product business. Over the next 2 years he established joint ventures with the major online marketing players that generated in excess of $4 million in revenue. Many of these marketers secretly sought his advice to help them turn their businesses into profit-producing powerhouses.

His passion was ignited to share what he’d learned with all struggling internet marketers who wanted to build real businesses and freer lives.

That’s when Strategic Profits came to be. And the story continues to unfold…

Business Growth System, the company’s core product, has revolutionized business coaching. With its combination of audio, visual and written materials – clients can learn in the way that suits them best.

The program content leverages over 20 years of Rich’s successes and early struggles to build his own Internet business.

Rich's programs sell out quickly because of the outstanding results achieved by entrepreneurs at all levels - from one person home-based businesses to multi-million
dollar ventures aiming for more. Many of the program’s graduates are now Internet marketing experts in their own right.

Although Rich Schefren is the driving force behind Strategic Profits, the company has expanded to 10 full time employees who now work with Rich to develop products
that expand the reach of Rich’s teachings. The company’s sales revenues exceeded $4 million in its first two years and are expected to be in the $10 million range for the
coming year.

Strategic Profits has fueled its extraordinary growth by publishing free valuable content online. Not only does this create strong relationships with potential customers
and the online community, but encourages feedback. The company uses the feedback to quickly create relevant products that address the struggles and provide solutions for online entrepreneurs.

The Internet Lifestyle
The Three Best Ways To Start Making Money Online Today

Yanik Silver

Yanik Silver is a results-only direct response copywriter and marketing consultant who specializes in creating tools and resources for entrepreneurs to enhance their businesses.

Yanik's products and services include 21 Mind Motivators: Psychological Tactics to Capture More Profits, Instant Sales Letters, Instant Internet Profits, 33 Days To Online Profits, 33 Days To Online Profits Video Enhanced Tutorial eBook, Autoresponder Magic, Million Dollar Emails, Instant Marketing Toolbox, and Internet Marketing Lab Videos.
If you're like us, at times the only way something really "clicks" is when you actually see it done with your own eyes.

Think about one of the simplest tasks of all -- tying your shoe…

Of course, tying your shoes is second nature to you now… BUT at first someone had to show you how to do it a few times. They had to actually take the time and demonstrate exactly how to make the loop, how to cross it over, how to pull the knot tight, etc. etc.

Go ahead and try explaining how to tie your shoe to someone without actually showing them. It'd be downright impossible (and super frustrating for both of you)!

Surprisingly enough, Internet marketing can be almost as easy if you have someone (who's been there and actually done it successfully) take you through the entire step-by-step process right in front of your eyes.
Everybody needs a coach and now you've got two of the best anytime you need them...

“Finally – a Simple, Video-Based Training System on CD-ROM that Teaches You Step-By-Step How to Make Real Money Online… 100% Guaranteed!”

Now it’s as simple as watching a video on your computer and you’re on your way to building your business online…
no matter what product or service you sell!

Also available :

+ Robert T. Kiyosaki

CASHFLOW GAMES 101, 202, Kids (4 CD)

101 : Info Produk

CASHFLOW, Investing 101 - E-game

Cashflow 101 mengajarkan Anda dasar-dasar investasi fundamental. Permainan ini juga memberi Anda jauh lebih banyak lagi. CASHFLOW 101 mengajarkan pada Anda bagaimana mengendalikan keuangan pribadi Anda, membangun suatu bisnis lewat manajemen Arus Kas yang benar, dan belajar cara berinvestasi dengan keyakinan lebih besar dalam real estate dan bisnis-bisnis lainnya.
Produk Edukasional ini adalah untuk anda jika ingin meningkatkan keterampilan-keterampilan bisnis dan investasi Anda dengan mempelajari cara mengubah ide-ide Anda menjadi aset-aset seperti bisnis Anda sendiri. Banyak usaha kecil gagal karena pemiliknya kekurangan modal, pengalaman nyata, dan keterampilan-keterampilan akuntansi dasar. Banyak investor mengira investasi itu riskan hanya karena mereka tidak membaca laporan-laporan keuangan. CASHFLOW 101 mengajarkan keterampilan-keterampilan dasar melek finansial dan investasi. Dibutuhkan setidaknya dua kali memainkan permainan ini agar Anda bisa memahaminya. Dengan demikian, kami menganjurkan Anda memainkan permainan ini sedikitnya enam kali agar bisa mulai menguasai dasar-dasar manajemen arus kas dan investasi. Biaya terbesar bagi banyak orang adalah uang yang tidak mereka raup akibat ketakutan mereka untuk membuat kesalahan di pasar

202 : Info Produk

CASHFLOW, Investing 202 - E-game

Dasar-dasar investasi teknis. Setelah Anda nyaman dengan dasar-dasar CASFLOW 101, tantangan edukasional berikutnya adalah belajar cara mengelola naik turunnya pasar, yang disebut votalitas. CASFLOW 202 mengajarkan Anda untuk menggunakan teknik-teknik investasi dari para investor yang memenuhi syarat, misalnya short selling, call option, put option, dan stradless, teknik-teknik yang yang bisa sangat mahal untuk dipelajari di pasar yang sesungguhnya. Kebanyakan investor takut pada anjloknya pasar.Qualified investor menggunakan piranti yang diajarkan CASHFLOW 102 untuk meraup uang, sementara investor rata-rata kehilangan uang.
Setelah Anda mengusai CASFLOW 101, CASFLOW 202 akan menjadi sangat mengasyikkan karena Anda belajar untuk bereaksi pada pasang surutnya pasar, dan Anda meraup banyak uang 'mainan' daripada perdagangan di pasar dengan uang sungguhan. Meskipun permainan-permainan ini tidak dapat menjamin kesuksesan investasi Anda, mereka akan meningkatkan kosa kata dan pengetahuan finansial Anda mengenai teknik-teknik investasi tingkat atas ini.

Kids : Info Produk

Cashflow for Kids Game

Give your children the financial head start necessary to thrive in today's fast paced and changing world. Schools teach children how to work for money. CASHFLOW™ for Kids teaches children how to have money work for them. CASHFLOW™ for Kids is a complete educational package which includes the book and audiocassette titled "Rich Dad's Guide to Raising Your Child's Financial I.Q." CASHFLOW™ for Kids is recommended for children ages 6 and older.

E-book GRATIS !!! - The Best -

1. Download E-book "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

2. Download E-book "The Richest Man In Babylon"

3. Download E-book "The Science of Getting Rich"

4. Download E-book "Sun Tzu Art Of War"

5. Download E-book "The Art of Money Getting : Golden Rules For Making Money"

6. Download E-book "Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich"

7. Download E-book "Leadership Lessons of the Navy Seals"

8. Download E-book "Rahasia Sulap David Blaine"

9. Download E-book "Brian Tracy - The Principle Of Success"

10. Download E-book "Philip Kotler - Marketing Insights From A to Z - 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know"

11. Download E-book "David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating - Attraction Isnt A Choice"

12. Download E-book "David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating - What Every Man Should Know"

13. Download E-book "David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating - How To Change Yourself"

14. Download E-book "David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating - Sexual Communication Workbook"

Wishing you success with women,

David DeAngelo -> Download MP3 Sample : "Talk Live About Double Your Dating"

15. Download E-book "James Allen - As A Man Thinketh"

16. Download E-book "Siapa Bilang Jadi Karyawan Nggak Bisa Kaya"

17. Download E-book "The Fat-Burning Bible - Mackie Shilstone"

18. Download E-book "Keep Your Brain Alive (83 Neurobic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness"

19. Download E-book "The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook - Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht



Download E-book : ANTHONY ROBBINS - AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN (English Version)



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Salam Dahsyat…………!!!

Siapa yang harus beli ??
Pemilik usaha, Director Manager, Supervisor, Karyawan, Sales People, Agen Asuransi, Broker Property, Network Marketing, Mahasiswa, Dokter, Pengacara, dan semua pribadi yang ingin maju dan meraih impian dalam hidup.

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE apabila Anda tidak mendapatkan ilmu yang berguna untuk peningkatan diri Anda dan bisnis Anda !!!

Eits..ada lagi !!

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Feel free to ask :

OTHERS PRODUCT from maestro_mr:

1. CD - Lock Picking --> Bagaimana cara membuka PINTU, GEMBOK, LOCKER tanpa KUNCI !!
2. CD, VCD, DVD about Stock Market (Pasar Bursa saham)
3. CD SOAL CPNS (2003-2006) Lengkap dengan Pembahasan

Salam hangat,


"Orang arogan jarang membaca atau membeli kaset pengembangan diri. Mengapa mereka harus beli? Toh mereka adalah pusat alam semesta" (Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad)

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DVD 1 (Lesson 1): An introduction to the Dunstan Baby Language system. Learn the first 3 words of your baby's language, get helpful advice and tips on how to tune your ear, learn settling techniques, and hear fromother parents who have learnt the system.

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